IES de SAR de Santiago de Compostela


Rúa Bernardo Barreiro de V.V. s/n

15702 Santiago of Compostela

Tfn.: 34 981 563 321

Fax: 34 981 576 083

Web page:


       Our centre is a public school with students of the compulsary level of Secondary Education from 12 to 16 years old and also students from 17 to 18 years old of three types of post-compulsory Secondary Education: Nature and Health Science, Social Science and Humanities, and Drawing.Our centre is located in a disadvantaged area of Europe, named Galicia, at the northwest of Spain.

In our centre we have a significative percentage of immigrants from Latin America and from North Africa.
Our students' families have a low economic level, especially in the compulsary levels, and some students come from rural areas near the city of Santiago of Compostela (Lavacolla and others) that are underdeveloped and lack of basic facilities.

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